GALP embraces equal opportunity
Portugal’s energy giant Galp has signed up to support the United Nation’s Women’s Empowerment Principals – Equality Means Business (WEP), campaign, a joint initiative between United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Development Fund for Women which aims to promote equal opportunity for women.
As part of this commitment, Galp has publicly expressed its support for implementing the six Women’s Empowerment Principals.
Galp CEO, Carlos Gomes da Silva, joined forces with other CEO’s from companies all over the world to sign up to WEP. “Joining this campaign has arisen as part of our commitment to equality between sexes and all the work that we’ve already done internally towards this goal”, he said.
Through this initiative, the United Nations wants signatory companies to take the corporate lead on implementing the six principles at the highest level; treating men and women fairly and equally in the workplace; guaranteeing the health, safety and welfare of all workers.