Portugal attracting investment interest says prime minister
Portugal’s Prime Minister António Costa says that the overseas investment earmarked for Portugal before the Covid-19 pandemic is still very much on the cards.
In a podcast yesterday he said not only was DFI expected to remain, but that interest from overseas investors had actually increased.
“All of the intentions to invest seen from overseas investors have been reaffirmed. We’ve even had signs of interest from new companies who are considering investing in Portugal”, he said in the podcast ‘Politica com Palavra’ from his governing PS socialist party and which was broadcast by TSF radio.
Nevertheless, according to the radio station, António Costa did not go into details about which overseas firms have expressed a firm intention to invest or had shown an interest in investing in Portugal.
He did, however, say that the interest had been shown in various sectors of the economy while public investment planned and noted in the State Budget for 2020 with an increase of 20% would be maintained.