Entrepreneur creates conflict mediation service
A German-Portuguese entrepreneur has set up a conflict mediation service to help resolve conflict situations in business and family spheres.
Conflict mediator Silke Buss, the director of communications company BUSS Comunicação which has launched a dedicated website for conflict mediation says, “Now mediation has the visibility that it deserves.”
“We decided to create a dedicated site for two reasons: First, we realised that mediation still needs to be explained. There are few people who know how it works, in which situations it can be used and what the gains are. Second, there are not many companies doing mediation in Portugal and we wanted to increase our visibility, since we are sure that mediation will create a lot of positivity. It has the potential to substantially improve the work climate and thereby increase productivity in companies and also has the potential to unite families.” Studies conclude that conflicts between colleagues lead to a productivity loss of between 20 to 30 percent. Mediation can transform negative emotions which before were directed towards conflict, into positive motivation that is then invested in implementing an agreement.
The tri-lingual site, in Portuguese, German and English, explains the method and the principles of mediation, gives practical examples within both professional and private contexts, presents the German-Portuguese mediator Silke Buss and includes an extensive list of questions and answers. “It makes much of the magic of mediation and emphasises the strength that it has. And in fact: People who have been in conflict for years can find a solution and peace of mind through mediation. Even so, I don’t think that ‘magic’ really covers it. Mediation is not something spiritual, it is a method with a structure through which we, the mediators, act as guides and apply communication and coaching techniques to help people in conflict build bridges and find a solution.”
Visit the new site from BUSS Comunicação: https://mediacao.buss.pt/en/home-english/