Portal de Queixa
The CEO of Portal da Queixa and Co-Founder of the Consumers Trust, Sónia Lage Lourenço will be on the Web Summit Growth Stage on 4 November at 10.30am when she will talk about how the consumer platform which has 160 million visitors became the biggest in the world with a footprint in four countries: Portugal, Spain, France and South Africa.
Loans covered by moratoria fell to €19.2Bn in September according to the Bank of Portugal. That was down €17.2Bn down on August. According to the banking supervisor “the sharp drop in September reflected the end of the moratoria.
Best companies to work
Só Barroso is the 9th Best Company to Work For in Portugal 2021. It is the only company in the car manufacturing sector to receive the distinction from magazine EXAME in partnership with Everis and the AESE Business School.