Portugal travel aunt Ofelia de Souza becomes a star in New York

 In News, Tourism

Move over Scherrie Mitchell, you’ve got competition girl! Portugal-trotting travel auntie Ofelia de Souza has become a hit over the pond in New York!

Jokes aside, the new face of the Portuguese tourism bureau for Porto and the North is the star of a new promotional film which was officially launched in October 2021 by Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal. The film was distinguished at the New York Festival TV & Film Awards with a ‘Gold Trophy’ in the category ‘Corporate Image’.
This is one of the most important international awards in the audiovisual world, which this year had almost 275 finalists from over 40 countries in the competition.
“This is in fact a fantastic moment for the region and respective players, and has happened at a decisive time when the tourism economy in Portugal is recovering”, says the president of Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal, Luís Pedro Martins, about the film which will now enter the running for ‘Best Promotional Tourism Film in the World’ which will only help to boost the destination even further.
Personally, Essential Business sees a bright future for Aunty Ofelia on travel programmes showcasing Portugal’s regional destinations and cuisine, we hope starring Scherrie, or even a major feature film with a comic twist! The film, in case you haven’t seen it, can be accessed here: https://www.porto.pt/pt/noticia/filme-do-turismo-do-porto-e-norte-distinguido-em-nova-iorque