Design Pickle invests €1M in 2022
The US unlimited graphic design company Pickle based in Scottsdale, Arizona is to invest €1 million to strengthen its position in Portugal and double its team.
The company opened an office in Portugal at the end of 2020. By the end of the year it will double its national team to 12 employees.
“Portugal has been a pleasant surprise, especially when it comes to local tech talent. We’ve found talented and committed professionals, with critical thinking skills and a great capacity for problem solving and soft skills that we appreciate and which we don’t always find in other countries”, says Kyle Wilson, Design Pickle’s Chief Operating Officer. The company was founded in Arizona in 2015.
“We already have six staff and we’re now actively recruiting for technicians and developers, and hope to double our team in 2022”.
In seven years the company has gone from having two designers to 500 spread all around the world who have completed 1.25 million projects for over 4,000 clients, particularly in the marketing, PR and advertising agencies areas.
The company already features on the ranking Inc. 5000 as one of the US companies which has enjoyed the rapidest growth for three consecutive years.