Mota-Engil looks to raise €50M
The latest securities issue by Sino-Portuguese international construction company, Mota-Engil aims to raise €50 million with a dividend of €5.75% for securities set at €1.25 each.
The construction company led by Gonçalo Moura Martins hopes to net €50 million from small investors through two offers: a Public Subscription Offer and a Public Exchange Offer.
According to the proposal, Mota-Engil hopes to use the funds raised to finance its current activities and promote its International expansion activities.
For the Public Subscription Offer for new creditors, Mota-Engil will pay an annual ticket of 5.75% twice-yearly until 20 October, 2027. The shareholders will also have the right to a premium of €1.25 per security should Mota-Engil not be able to reach certain targets linked to environmental, social and governance practices (ESG).
With the Public Exchange Offer (An offer in which the buyer offers, as part or all of the consideration, its shares in exchange for shares of the target) existing Mota-Engil security holders ‘Mota Engil Securities 2022’ that have a double ticket of 4.50% and which mature on 22 November, 2022, the construction company will allow these securities to be exchanged for ‘Mota-Engil Securities 2027’.
Moreover, investors who take this decision to roll-over their investment will also get a premium of €2.3 per security.