CorPower wave energy in November
From the end of this month CorPower Ocean will begin generating electricity from waves off the Portuguese coast.
Energy companies Galp, EDPm Shell and even IKEA are said to be interested in the business according to the newspaper Negócios.
The technology capitalises on waves which form off the coast of the United States and Canada and cross the ocean building energy as they go with each metre of wave charged with 35KW.
CorPower Ocean has completed the substation and site preparation work in Portugal ahead of marine installations for its flagship HiWave-5 Project, developing a grid connected demonstration wave farm.
The site located off the coast of Aguçadoura, south of Viana do Castelo, is now ready for the export installation.
In November CorPower Ocean will be injecting some 300 kW of wave energy into the electricity network, sufficient to power 300 homes from the first of four convertors produced in Viana do Castelo.