Impresa plans to up revenues by 20% by 2025
The Portuguese media group Impresa, headed by Francisco Pedro Balsemão, aims to triple its digital revenues and change its methods and processes of work.
The CEO aims to increase the group’s revenues by 15% to 20% by 2025. The goal, which is part of the group’s strategic plan begun in October plans — taking into account revenues in 2021, the year in which Impresa netted €190.2 million (accounts for 2022 have not been finalised) — for growth to be around €40 million.
“This new plan aims to increase revenues and margin, complementing our current revenue streams with new revenue sources and approaches to the current ways in which we achieve our goals. The target for the end of 2025 is to achieve a growth of 15-20% in our turnover”, said Francisco Pedro Balsemão in an article published on Tuesday on the site of Meios&Publicidade.
To that end the group will focus on two priorities: boosting the development of its activities and digital revenues and in transforming its working methods. By 2025 the group intends to triple its revenues from digital platforms and sources.