Average price to rent in Lisbon €1,693
There is a discrepancy of 30% between the cost of actual rents in Lisbon and the amount that tenants think they’ll have to pay.
The average price o rent an apartment in the capital has soared to €1,693 although tenants expect to be able to rent an apartment for €1,300.
The discrepancy also exists in Portugal’s second city Porto where current average rents stand at €1,184 but tenants expect to pay €1,056. (12.1%)
This is according to a study ‘Rent Gap Monitor’ carried out by the platform Housing Anywhere that analysed more than 2.9 million searches in 23 European cities in the last quarters of 2023 and 2022.
In the case of Lisbon the perception of what people expected to pay for an apartment and the reality was a difference of €393 while in Porto it was €128.
The difference in perception to reality is the considerable increase in rents in Porto of 16.9% in Q4 of 2023. In Lisbon, however, rents have fallen by 10.9% on average.