Portugal below EU average on purchasing power
Portugal comes in at 18th position in terms of the latest EU countries purchasing power ranking — 17% below the EU average.
Luxembourg topped the list with the highest purchasing power, 140% above the EU average, measured in terms of GDP per capita, according to data from Eurostat published on Tuesday.
Ireland came in second place with a purchasing power 112% above the EU average, followed by the Netherlands (30%), Denmark (28%), and Austria (23%).
These were followed by Belgium (17%), Sweden (17%), Germany (15%), Finland (8%), Malta (5%), France (1%), Italy (-3%), Cyprus (-5%), Slovenia (-9%), Czech Republic (-9%), Spain (-11%), Lithuania (-13%), Portugal (-17%), Estonia (-19%), Poland (-20%), Romania (-22%), Hungary (-24%), Croatia (-24%), and Slovakia (-27%).
The three countries with the lowest purchasing power in the EU were Lithuania (-29%), Greece (-33%), and Bulgaria (-36%).