Investment incentives in the real estate and tourism sector

 In Investment, News

The Ireland Portugal Business Network held a seminar about the different incentives and funding opportunities in the real estate and tourism sector on 12 March.

The incentives are offered by Turismo de Portugal and IFRRU 2020.
Dearbháile Banahan Chairwoman of the IPBN Algarve committee said, “Many people have heard about incentives to renovate old buildings or tourism related financing opportunities, but in many cases they just presume that it is an impossible task to gather the required information or to reach the right people who can help.
“Nuno Miguel Alves, Senior Director of the Investment Directorate at Turismo de Portugal did an excellent job  explaining the Tourism 2027 strategic plan and funding opportunities and other credit lines for 2020 and Abel Mascarenhas, President of the Executive Board of the IFRRU 2020 was essential to understand the urban rehabilitation concept as an instrument for the revitalisation of cities and the types of support and how to apply to get finding,” she added.
António Lobo, Business Adviser in Santander explained that Santander is one of the selected banks collaborating with these programmes, sharing experience on how Santander can help.
“This briefing session certainly helped demystify many queries whilst also showing that there is still room for growth and plenty of investment opportunities to be taken advantage of, not only in the Algarve but in Portugal in general.” Banahan Chairwoman of the IPBN Algarve committee said.

For more information about the Ireland Portugal Business Network, please visit