Portugal and Norway to share world-leading marine renewable energy expertise
Two of the world’s leading powers in marine renewable energy are joining forces to share in-depth expertise at a special event in Lisbon, Portugal.
Portugal’s leading marine renewable energy firm WavEC Offshore Renewables is teaming up with the Norwegian Embassy and Innovation Norway to host an international seminar on December 4 and 5, at Museu do Oriente in Lisbon.
The ‘Marine Renewable Energy and Offshore Aquaculture’ seminar will involve major international players including EDP Renewables, ASM Industries, Corpower, AW Energy, Jerónimo Martins, Principle Power, TechnipFMC, Innovation Norway, NORWEP, Nørd AS Norway & Nørd Portugal Lda, the Portuguese Space Agency and Financial Mechanism Office.
Knowledge, expertise and latest advances will be shared across several fields including floating offshore wind, wave energy, offshore aquaculture and other ocean market opportunities.
Portugal and Norway are widely considered as front runners in marine renewable energy. In May 2016, all of Portugal’s electricity was produced renewably for more than four concurrent days largely supported by wind and hydropower — a landmark achievement for a modern European country. Meanwhile, Norway is Europe’s largest producer of hydropower and the 6th largest in the world.
WavEC President António Sarmento said: “WavEC launched its first major study in 2004 assessing Portugal’s wave energy potential. It has since delivered more than 50 R&D projects — seeing more than €10million of funding invested in the sector at WavEC. According to the recent market study on ocean energy, prepared by WavEC and the Italian company COGEA and published by the European Commission, a clear vision and stable support for wave energy will allow the industry to advance with long-term gains.”
WavEC has been a key organisation in the development of offshore wind in Portugal, an activity initiated in 2007 following a strategic report showing the way ahead for EDP investment in floating offshore wind and the WindFloat technology from 2008 onwards, in a total investment approaching €200million.
In the last 10 years WavEC has developed nine research projects and more than 12 services fully dedicated to floating offshore wind. The non-profit organisation has become a centre of excellence delivering a range of specialist consultancy services around the world working in collaboration with more than 250 partners in 25 countries.
“Portugal’s investment in marine renewables is underpinned by the government’s National Energy and Climate Plan 2030, pledging €20billion to make the nation 80pc renewable energy efficient by 2030,” added Sarmento. “WavEC’s mission centres around the development of marine renewable energy through R&D, knowledge transfer and innovation. In recent years we have extended our scope to offshore aquaculture and ocean engineering projects. We are encouraging delegates from around the world to join this upcoming seminar to learn about the latest advances and best practice across all these fields. There is also an opportunity for delegates to gain direct access to headline speakers through ‘business to business’ meetings.”
Norwegian Ambassador to Portugal Anders Erdal said: “The Norwegian Embassy in Portugal is thrilled to be working alongside WavEC to deliver this international seminar. We are looking forward to welcoming a world-class panel of speakers who will share their broad experience of developing business concepts, pilot projects and advancing designing tools as well as driving operational excellence and future developments. Norway has particular expertise to offer in the marine renewable sphere with around 99pc of our mainland electricity coming via hydropower plants. We are also continuing to explore and harvest the large potential of offshore wind power and wave power.”
One very interesting aspect is the transfer of competence and technology developed for the oil and gas sector to innovative projects on renewable energy. Norway’s major energy company Equinor has been a pioneer in the floating wind market, since the Hywind floating demonstration turbine was installed off Norway’s coast in 2009. More recent developments include a floating wind platform developed by Stiesdal Offshore Technologies – due to be installed at a demonstration site near Stavanger, following a final investment decision by backers Shell and Innogy. Further plans are mooted for floating offshore wind applications in an area of Utsira Nord, off the coast of Rogaland.
To register for the seminar visit the platform http://wavecseminar2019.tacongresspco.com where ‘early bird’ fees apply until November 20. Registration for B2B meetings taking place on December 05 between 9h30 and 12h30 is mandatory through the same registration platform.