CIP President to address ICPT
The president of the Portuguese Industrial Confederation (CIP), António Saraiva, is the guest speaker at the International Club of Portugal on 14 December, 12h.00 when he will speak about “Portugal, Europe and the Post-Pandemic World”.
The event will be held at the Hotel Sheraton Lisboa & Spa. António Saraiva, who represents businesses, particularly in the manufacturing sector, has been critical of the Portuguese government in recent weeks, especially over labour legislation changes which the left-wing parties wanted it to introduce for overtime hours and contracts, added to the State Budget for 2022 which ultimately was voted down in parliament.
Saraiva (pictured left with the president of the ICPT, Manuel Ramalho) said that you couldn’t just cave into every demand (from the left-wing parties) to guarantee political and social stability, even less so when dishonest negotiations had been carried out.
The CIP head has also warned that data shows that around a million job posts will be affected by transformations over the next few years, with some vanishing altogether and others taking their place.
António Saraiva says that while a little frightening, the curiosity and proactivity or all can determine their success in the employment market. The attitude has to be one of “constant preparedness to retrain”, he said recently at the National Gathering of the Portuguese Association of People Management (APG) which ran at the start of November.