Select USA – Opportunities for Business

 In AmCham, Events, News

A seminar which will showcase business opportunities and investments between the US and Portugal will be held in Porto on 11 March.

Organised by AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal)Select USA – Opportunities for Business and Investment between the USA and Portugal’ will be held at the Palácio da Bolsa in Porto from 9am.
The largest consumer market in the world, covering a huge area, with a favourable business environment and a high number of opportunities, are just some of the factors that make the United States of America “the most attractive market in the world” — with a GDP of US$20Tn and 325 million people.
With the aim of disseminating relevant information and debating issues about the US market, AmCham and the US Embassy in Portugal have organised the seminar which will include a diverse panel of speakers including representatives of the states of Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia, as well as key figures from the Council of American States in Europe (CASE).
The seminar also features a lunch with Kristin M. Kane (Chargé D’Affaires at the US Embassy in Portugal) and a presentation on how to do business in the US by Colquímica Adhesive from its CEO João Koehler.
There will also be networking opportunities and one-on-one meetings with the speakers. It’s free to sign up via the link The lunch costs €55.