Funds favour domestic equities
Funds have returned to buying Portuguese domestic equities to make returns of over 20%
Domestic Equity Funds are index funds, mutual funds, or other types of funds which invest only in Portuguese domestic stocks and equities.
Domestic equities are choosing to invest in Portuguese equities rather than US ones because it enables them to net profit levels of over 20% reports Jornal Económico.
The best return in terms of annual returns on 25 March were possible by investing in flexible funds and national equity funds according to an analysis from the APFIPP – the Portuguese Association of Investment, Pensions and Patrimony Funds.
The data shows that the best securities fund in terms of annual return was the BPI Fund (a bank fund) with gains of 31.2%, while the funds BPI Portugal, NB Portugal Açores, IMGA Ações Portugal – categories A and R and all listed as national security funds – generated annual incomes of between 24% and 28%.
In the middle of the table of best equity funds is a US securities fund, IMGA Ações America – which is category A while the rest of the ranking with the best national funds are sector and global equities with annual returns of between 17% and 19%. Two of the best funds has an amount under management of over €100 million.