Navigator distributes €11 million in bonuses
The Navigator Group has distributed €11 million in bonuses to its 3,200 staff.
The decision was made after the company announced that it had made €50.6 million in profits in the first quarter of 2022.
Navigator has paid out around €86 million in bonuses over the past 10 years. The company made extremely good profits despite increased costs in energy and raw materials.
“The €11 million in bonuses cover the 3,200 staff at the company. The bonus is awarded to each worker according to the performance of the year”, states Navigator.
In addition to the performance award, the company has decided to implement a quarterly productivity bonus for all employees (except directors) which over a year could be between 80-120% of annual salary. This is on top of a new careers plan.
In 2022 the latest plan added more than €60 per month on the monthly salary of 826 out of 1,700 technical operations staff.
Navigator awards a benefits package which represents an annual investment of €1,815 per person, in a total investment of €1,815 per staff member.