Goldenergy and Endesa make inroads on EDP
EDP lost more retail consumer clients in 2021 to other suppliers than any other supplier in 2021.
Two companies in Portugal in particular picked up these lost clients: Goldenergy and Endesa that both picked up the most new clients that last year.
This is according to the energy regulator ERSE which on Thursday released an annual report on the electricity and gas consumer markets in Portugal.
“In terms of changes within the free market in number of clients, EDP continues to be the retailer suffering the greatest losses (96,000), while the main beneficiaries were Goldenergy (50,000 clients and Endesa (46,000 clients)”, states the energy services regulator ERSE which published the report on the retail market for 2021.
Nevertheless, in consumption EDP registered the greatest gains because of changes within the Liberalised Market – 275 GWh -, but Iberdrola was the retailer that suffered the most losses from the changes to the LM (846 GWh).
Regarding clients migrating from the regulated market to the regulated market, 55,000 clients and 175 GWh transferred from the first to the second in 2021, numbers that were slightly below those seen the previous year.
EDP still maintains its position of leadership as the main supplier of consumer electrical power, while Endesa and Galp came in second in terms of attracting clients from the regulated market to the non-regulated market in 2021.
The European electricity market liberalisation process started more than 20 years ago, one of its main purposes being to organise the provision of electricity and gas more efficiently by introducing competitive forces where possible and regulation where needed.