IGF Report moots possible return of controversial TAP director
Portugal’s tax and public finances watchdog IGF has suggested in a report that Alexandra Reis, the ex-TAP director at the centre of the Golden Handshake Affair could be reintegrated into the airline she resigned from with a €500,000 severance package.
According to SIC TV, a preliminary report into the ex-director’s exit from the airline with the €500,000 handshake revealed irregularities. The report is not definitive because it is awaiting a contradictory report from those involved.
The IGF admits that Alexandra Reis may have to give back part of the compensation package given the fact that after quitting the airline she then landed a top job heading NAV Portugal – a public company that air traffic control and flight information services to airlines and airports. NAV is currently run by Carlos Alves.
The fact that she had been offered and accepted this job mean that she has to give back the difference between the amount received and the new salary.
If it is shown that the termination agreement is not legally valid, the former TAP director, who left because of disagreements with the CEO, Christine Ourmiéres-Widener, could be reintegrated back into the company. The decision would be down to the ministries that are responsible for the airline (Finance and Infrastructure) and which had commissioned the report from IGF.
Photo: Lusa – Tiago Petinga