Housing minister admits coexistence of municipal rent subsidies with government subsidies

 In Housing, News

Portugal’s housing minister, Marina Gonçalves admitted this week that municipal rent subsidy programmes can co-exist with government initiatives in this area.

Marina Gonçalves (pictured) says that the subsidy programme for young people, Porta 65, will continue indefinitely from June.
When asked about the possibility that Porto Municipal Council could suspend its housing subsidy programme Porto Solidário, the minister said: “The decree law foresees subsidies that are accumulative in the way that they were created, so there is no problem of it coexisting alongside our decree law”, said the minister in an interview with Jornal de Notícias and TSF.
As to the programme Porta 65, the minister emphasised that the new version “will provide subsidised renting for five years, with very similar rules, but obviously with the specific needs of the households we’re trying to reach”.


Photo Lusa – Jose Sena Goulão