PPR pension funds with best yields in Portugal
The level 2 risk fund Bankinter Rendimento PPR from Bankinter Gestión de Ativos offers the best annual yields at three years at 0.18% according to Funds People, citing the Portuguese Association of Investment Funds. (Associação Portuguesa de Fundos de Investimento, Pensões e Patrimónios (APFIPP))
In terms of level 3 risk funds, Sixty Degrees PPR led the way in terms of profitability at 2.78% per annum for three years. Two other funds also offered positive returns. Golden SGF’s PPR SGF Poupança Equilibrada at 0.55% and PPR SGF Poupança Conservadora at 0.31%.
In terms of level 4 risk, occupied mostly by pension funds with unit trusts, PPR SGF Poupança Dinâmica from Golden SGF offers 5.69% at three years, PPR SGF Poupança Ativa from Golden – SGF offers 2.94% per annum over three years, while Alves Ribeiro PPR/OICVM, from Invest Gestão de Activos offers 1.52% per annum at three years, as did Bankinter 75 PPR/OICVM – CB from BPI Gestão de Ativos. (1.52%)
At levels 5 and 6, these pension funds offer even better returns with M3 Investimento PPR from BBVA Asset Management offering 8.24%; BBVA Estratégia Investimento PPR – A from BBVA Asset Management; BPI Reforma Global Equities PPR/OICVM from BPI Gestão de Ativos at 6.39% and PPR SGF Top Gestores, Golden – SGF at 2.45%.