Startup Portugal says bring back NHR

 In News, Start-Up, Web Summit

The director of Start Up Portugal has called on the government not to scrap the favourable NHR tax regime for some cases of overseas investors and relocators, as well as calling for investment incentives in venture capital companies and startups, and an adjustment to taxes on stock options.

In an interview with Lusa, António Dias called for the NHR regime to be continued beyond December 31, but he says the extension it is not enough, and that the government should include incentives for pension funds to invest in startups.
Asked about measures foreseen in the State Budget 2024 he said: “The NHR regime should continue to be applied to the staff and investors of startups and scaleups.”
He added that the NHR had been “a very important argument” for the attraction and retention of talent in Portugal, but also for “investment attraction and retention” that would have a positive impact for Portugal in terms of returns.
“It was something that made us stand out, and is something that made us look good in the snapshot when compared to other ecosystems, and we can’t lose that,” he continued.
Another step, he suggested, would be to “design incentives for private pension funds to invest in venture capital and in startups”.
“We want steps to be taken from 2024, and this means a lot of effort to create the conditions for this to advance because this will provide incentives for our more successful startups and scaleups”, he concluded.


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