Portugal should do more to attract more US companies and tourists in 2024
Portugal should do a better job of attracting more US companies to set up in Portugal as well as investing more in marketing to attract more tourists.
That is the opinion of Tony Cabral, a US State representative for New Bedford, Massachusetts in an interview with Jornal de Negócios/Antena 1.
“Portugal could, without a doubt, do more to attract the Portuguese-American community. It is today a community that has a lot more influence and is well established and well organised. Portugal could work with this community to benefit the development of US company investments here in Portugal”, he said.
“Portugal could be the entry point for Europe, and in the past that was not always the case”, said the representative who is currently in his 17th term.
“There are governments who have done a better job than others, but it should be consistent. Sometimes, when the government changes, these relationships, these contacts do not continue as they should”, he said, without specifying which Portuguese government.
Cabral also argued that Portugal had the capacity to attract more US tourists to Portugal, but for that it needed to up its game in terms of marketing to inform US citizens more about Portugal.
“There could be even more tourism in addition to the current numbers, these could be three, four, five, six times greater than today.”
“Outside of the large Portuguese-American communities Portugal is unknown and so it is important to have more marketing in the US about Portugal and at the moment the majority is done through some companies. SATA has done some, TAP less so,” said Tony Cabral.