Business Rountable Portugal promotes entrepreneurial doctorates
Business Rountable Portugal (BRP) has launched an entrepreneurial doctorates scheme in “disruptive areas” given that only 8% of its company members actually have doctorate degrees.
According to Human Resources Portugal, the BRP says it is important to recognise and bolster cooperation between the academic, scientific, and business world in order to leverage and boost innovation and fast-track economic and social growth, which is why the BRP has launched the programme ‘Entrepreneurial Doctorates’.
Aligned with the programme Doctorates in the Non-Academic Environment from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the programme offers students the opportunity to carry out their research in one of the BRP’s member companies, thereby helping to meet complex challenges in a business setting, specialising in innovative areas and sectors, and increasing the practical application and use of research results.
To facilitate the process of matching students and companies, the BRP has identified over 30 research topics in disruptive areas such as renewable energies, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent and robotic logistics, smart cities, health and biotechnology, in member companies such as Bial, CTT, EDP, José e Mello, Outsystems, Simoldes, and Violas.
Partakers in this programme could benefit from a Doctorate Grant from FCT with applications running until April 18.
Through this programme, the BRP is making a contribution towards changing a situation whereby only 8% of doctorate holders in Portugal are in Portuguese companies or international companies with branches in Portugal – only one-third of the percentage registered in more innovative and competitive economies in Europe – a low proportion with attendant consequences on development and growth for Portugal.