The president of Novobanco, António Ramalho, has announced to the bank’s supervisory board of directors that he will step down in August but will remain on as a consultant. The news was broken by [...]
Banks and credit institutions lent around €3.7Bn in credit in the first half of 2018, or €20 million per day. Consumer credit loans continued to grow in the first half of 2018 with banks and [...]
The US ratings agency Moody’s has withdrawn its positive outlook rating on Novo Banco deposits. The agency, which grades the financial health and sustainability of companies and banks across a [...]
Spanish lender CaixaBank now holds 94% of Portuguese bank BPI after a stock shopping spree, the bank revealed on Sunday. The bank now only needs the remaining 6% to own BPI lock, stock [...]
Portugal’s largest bank, Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is back in profit, making €68 million partly on the back of bank charges. The bank’s president, Paulo Macedo, said on Thursday that [...]
Spain’s CaixaBank, which owns 90% of Portuguese bank BPI, could take the bank off the Lisbon Stock Market. CaixaBank purchased 8.4% of BPI shares from the Allianz Group and now hold 92.93% [...]
First quarter profits at Portugal’s Santander Totta bank increased 5% in 2016 to €130.5 million. According to the bank’s President, António Vieira Monteiro, the result is in line with [...]
Bankinter Portugal, owned by the Spanish bank Bankinter presented profits of €143 million in the first quarter of 2018 representing a 15% increase on the same period in 2017 and 7% of the group’s [...]
One of Portugal’s greatest political and economic corruption scandals, Operation Marques, continued to dominate the newspapers over the weekend as more nefarious links between three prime [...]
Santander Bank UK economist Stuart Green says visibility around the UK’s new relationship with the EU has been slow to emerge. However, the underlying fabric of the UK economy – open and [...]