Portuguese airline TAP posted a net profit of €22.9 million in the first half of this year, representing an improvement of 111% or €224 million in relation to the months of January to June 2023 [...]
Over 100 companies and small investors in Portugal are thought to have lost around €6.5 million as a consequence of the collapse of the crypto platform FTX. Says Negócios, the amounts were [...]
The Gross Value Added of Portugal’s SMEs will grow 7.5% this year according to forecasts from the European Commission that points to inflation as one of the main reasons behind the growth. [...]
Portugal’s largest car plant VW Autoeuropa will begin a two-week stoppage from September 1 that could last for an indefinite period because of a lack of parts from a supplier in Slovenia. [...]
The CEO of telecoms giant Altice Portugal, Ana Figueiredo, is to join the main shareholder of Altice on a roadshow to meet investors with the aim of restoring confidence after the company’s [...]
After losing around €6Bn in deposits since the start of the year, much of which was invested in government savings bonds that offered higher rates of interest, Portugal’s banks recovered family [...]
According to Forbes magazine research shows that companies with more women on their boards outperform those without by a significant margin, and organisations with greater gender diversity among [...]
The three main European airline giants, Lufthansa, IAG and Air France KLM, which have expressed an interest in buying a controlling stake in Portuguese airline TAP, are likely to make a bid in [...]
The Portuguese Land Fund is looking to attract half a billion euros over the next five years by offering investors a return of around 10% to raise enough funds to buy plots of land. “The goal is [...]
The Oriente Foundation has reached an agreement with the Chinese financial institution Vcredit to sell 100% of Banco Português de Gestão (BPG) for more than €20 million. At present, the two [...]