Portugal’s deficit, currently at 1.1%, of GDP, could fall to 0% by the end of the year. The Ministry of Finance has yet to confirm or deny that it will review budget deficit target for 2018 on 15 [...]
Portugal’s economy grew by 2.3% in GDP terms in the second quarter of 2018 like-for-like according to government statistics. The growth represents a 0.5% increase on the previous quarter (2.1% [...]
One half of Portugal’s national debt is tied up in Portuguese government treasury bonds. No one knows exactly who holds these bonds — they vary from companies, international investors, insurance [...]
Portuguese real estate is in the midst of a record-breaking boom according to Reuters and property management consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle. In 2017, commercial real estate investment peaked at [...]
Monies in unpaid taxes owed to the Portuguese tax authorities now represent 2% of the country’s GDP. Total debts amount to a massive €3.5Bn. A total of 30,497 names are on the blacklist of [...]
ISEG Lisbon School of Economics & Management estimates that the Portuguese economy grew 2.3% like-for-like on 2017 in Q1. The figures are slightly below those seen in the last quarter of [...]
With a 26% set-aside of GDP, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says that Portugal is one of the most vulnerable countries from a group of 52 when it comes to paying creditors. Despite [...]
Portugal has set an objective to reduce its public debt to 102% of GDP by 2022. On Friday the Minister of Finance, Mário Centeno, who is also President of the Eurogroup of EU finance ministers, [...]