launches new projects platform

 In News, Start-Up, a Portuguese startup which has developed an online recruitment platform for the IT sectors, is to launch a new product called

In a similar vein to the recruitment platform that it already has — where it links employment opportunities to the most suitable client -, this new project is also focused on technology professionals, but in a different way.
Its aim is to facilitate the direct interaction between contractors (people who run their own company or that work with just one client and full-time for several months of the year and different from freelancers) and companies (in this case the clients).
This means that on the one hand, the startup offers a more direct link and greater flexibility to its clients when it comes to choosing the companies with which they want to work and, at the same time, the companies come into contact with the talent considered most suitable for a specific job.
According to Pedro Oliveira, who is overseeing the project, the new platform will help “get rid of middle men” such as staffing and outsourcing companies, and will enable the contractor to invest more time in their careers since client management is supported and assured by the platform and, at the same time, allows cost savings associated with intermediaries.
“More often than not the contractor can spend around 25% of their time in client management, in finding clients and making sales. We’ve freed up that percentage which can be invested by it on working” says the founder of Landing.job.
The company says that this new online platform will be launched in October. The Landing.Work procedure works like this: the contractor registers and their evaluation and selection begins and which involves specific technical tests in each professional area, a validation of soft skills, English tests as well as reference checks.
Then, if accepted, the contractor joins the community and can apply for any project which fits their specific skills sets and profile.
“This platform is, in practice, a matchmaking service of a company with a company, only in this case the company is a one-employee company or self-employed entity” he says.