Savings bonds demand soars in Q1
Even so, the rate of public interest in buying the savings bonds had slowed compared to the same period in 2018.
Most of the purchases were made in Treasury certificates and Savings bonds. According to the latest bulletin from the Bank of Portugal, investments in savings bonds increased by €506 million in the first half of the year, bringing total investment in Government bonds and instruments nationally to €28Bn which corresponds to 11.5% of the Government’s Direct Debt (around €250Bn) and was the highest investment in bonds destined for the national market ever.
This increase was fuelled too by Treasury certificate purchases which saw applications soar by €424 million to a new maximum of €16.8 million together with the €15 million which came in June.
By the end of June, investments in savings bonds stood at €7.1Bn, the highest amount since 2017.