Discussions on Joe Biden’s TransAtlantic policy
The American Club of Lisbon is thrilled to offer the opportunity to participate in a dialogue with the senior officer in the US State Department responsible for relations with the EU and Western Europe, Deputy Assistant Secretary Molly Montgomery, who was co-lead of Europe Policy in the Biden-Harris Transition Team prior to being named in her new post on inauguration day.
Ms Montgomery has an illustrious career in the State Department, having served in Sarajevo, Dubai, Riga, Kabul and having been Special Advisor for Europe & Eurasia in the Office of the Vice President. At the State Department, she also leads policy formulation and implementation on global issues in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs.
Ms. Montgomery will address us in a ZOOM Livetalk on Thursday, April 29 at 6pm Lisbon time (1pm in Washington, DC, 7pm Central European Time). Ms Montgomery has agreed to enlighten us on the Biden Administration’s TransAtlantic Policy, the major changes the US intends to implement in relations with the EU as compared to the previous Administration including likely areas of close cooperation and those where disagreements will need to be dealt with, how the US relationship with Europe will be impacted by the ongoing evolution of the US rivalry with China and many other subjects of interest to all of us.
Given this rare opportunity to hear the most senior State Department official responsible for relations with Western Europe during these first months of the Biden Administration, the American Club of Lisbon is happy to make available access to this ZOOM Livetalk to a wide audience. As recipient of this invitation, you are authorised to pass it on to others who may be interested to participate.
To attend, you must register with the following link:https://bit.ly/3uMJRkl
The ACL looks forward to this exceptional event!