Tejo wines aim for Russia
The Tejo Region Wine Commission (CVR) is carrying out targeted marketing campaigns in Poland and Russia.
“Tejo wines have been marketing and building a presence in overseas markets through targeted campaigns organised by the Comissão Vitivinícola Regional do Tejo (CVR Tejo) and the economic players in the region (wine producers) with the support of the consultancy Wine Intelligence which using market studies have helped to point the way to fertile markets overseas.
From 2014 they began to pinpoint six overseas strategic markets. This year, taking into account the constraints on travel and events, marketing campaigns have been beefed up in Poland, while they have launched in Russia,” CVR Tejo states in a communiqué.
According to the statement, “Poland is currently the most important market for Tejo wines, followed by Brazil where we doubled sales in 2020.”
“Which is why these are the countries where we have carried out marketing campaigns ‘on the ground’ even throughout the pandemic. We were able to do this because CVR Tejo used local partners in those countries to develop campaigns in the most effective manner. This formula was very successful in Russia.”
CVR Tejo adds that it has already chosen an ambassador to market Tejo wines in the Russian market who has already visited Portugal for an intensive introduction to Tejo wines.
The wine ambassador had visits and wine tastings around the vineyards of 10 producers including the wineries Adega do Cartaxo, Casal Branco, Casal da Coelheira, Companhia das Lezírias, Encosta do Sobral, Enoport Wines, Fiuza, João M. Barbosa Vinhos, Quinta da Lagoalva and Quinta da Ribeirinha. After this ‘field trip’ the Tejo wines which were chosen for export to Russia were put to the taste at two events that have already been undertaken in Moscow and St.Petersburg with further campaigns planned for this year.
CVR Tejo notes “Russia is the 10th most populated country in the world with 140 million people. Its capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world and is the main economic, financial and political centre in Russia.
Russia is the sixth largest economy in the world with a considerable impact in terms of commercial relations with Portugal with wine increasing its market share against the native national drink Vodka.
CVR Tejo points out that the region’s wines have long been popular among the Polish, at least since 2005, when it carried out its first marketing drive in Poland.