70% of Portuguese buildings fail energy efficiency standards
Over 70% of Portugal’s building stock is energetically inefficient and nearly all buildings need renovating to meet them according to a study from the environmental association Zero.
Zero concludes that energy efficiency grants are on the way in Portugal, but the application, procedures and other processes require improvements.
The association evaluated the grant programmes to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings, from the application, communication and processing stages, the platform linked to the market, the manner of notices are publicised, the criteria for eligibility, types of works required, the co-participation funding limit and co-payment top-ups.
In short, the report recommends a greater strategic ambition and coordination. “Zero is of the opinion that the programme for energy efficiency grants for buildings is on the right track, but these are not yet enough and the current application process needs improving.
Improving the existing property stock is both required and needs to have greater ambition when one recognises that over 70% of buildings (in Portugal) are not energy efficient — in other words almost all Portuguese buildings should be renovated”, states the report.