Last year saw the highest number of company mergers and acquisitions seen in a decade in Portugal. According to the Portuguese competition authority (Autoridade da Concorrência – AdC), [...]
The European Court of Justice has agreed with the Court of Competition that information exchanges between banks in Portugal, however isolated, amount to the behaviour of running a cartel, thereby [...]
The three main European airline giants, Lufthansa, IAG and Air France KLM, which have expressed an interest in buying a controlling stake in Portuguese airline TAP, are likely to make a bid in [...]
Portugal’s petroleum and gas company Galp practically doubled its profits in 2022, in part thanks to the instability in oil and gas prices that sent energy costs soaring after Russia’s invasion [...]
The European Commission believes that Portugal’s main banks have violated competition rules for 10 years by sharing information on volumes of credit and spreads that they were applying in a case [...]
The Portuguese government is to move ahead with its plans to tax excessive profits in energy and food distribution sectors. The government says the new tax will be introduced to “offset the [...]
Gapgemini, the technology outsourcing consultancy has strengthened its presence in Portugal by opening its Mobility Lab in Gaia. The research and development lab will focus on cutting-edge [...]
A Norwegian group is to invest €80 million in the port town of Sines, near Setúbal on a fish nursery to raise Norwegian cod and salmon. The project involves the setting up of two fish farms on a [...]
Portugal’s telecoms giant Altice Portugal is taking the Portuguese telecoms market regulator to court in an attempt to prevent it from changing the rules governing the 5G auction currently [...]
Portugal will play host to one of the largest international startup competitions. The Lisbon and Cambridge-based Building Global Innovators accelerator (BGI) will organise the ‘Get in the Ring’ [...]