Competition authority gives green light to Torreshopping purchase

 In News, Real Estate Funds, Real estate investment, Shopping Centres

The Competition Authority (AdC) has decided not to oppose the purchase of Centro Comercial Torreshopping by the Iberia I Shopping Malls Fund, it said in a statement on its website.

The authority decided to “adopt a decision not to oppose the notified purchase”, considering that “it is not likely to create significant obstacles to effective competition in the national market or in a substantial part thereof”.

“The concentration operation in question consists of the acquisition, by the Malls Iberia I – Venture Capital Fund, managed and represented by the managing entity Point Capital Partners – SCR, S.A. of the exclusive control of the Shopping Center called ‘Torreshopping‘, located in Torres Novas, as well as the respective operation, through the acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of the company DPPFB”, indicated the AdC.

Point Capital Partners focuses on the management of venture capital funds, real estate investment, social entrepreneurship and specialised alternative investments, through the management of alternative investment undertakings and specific funds.