Actium Capital acquires a further 0.5% of Altri

 In Acquisitions, Altri, Companies, News, Stocks and Shares

Actium Capital has acquired a further 0.58% of Altri gaining 14.7% of its capital.

Actium Capital, S.A., held by main shareholder and CEO Paulo Fernandes, has acquired 1,100,000 shares of Altri, representing 0.54% of the shares, bringing the total shares held by Actium in Altri to 29,065,728 or 14.17% of the company and respective voting rights.

Altri is a Portuguese wood pulp and paste company – it’s core business. It is a market leader in the production of renewable cellulose fibres. It manages over 90,000 hectares of totally certified forests, turning eucalyptus wood into fibres at three industrial plants to produce paper, with a capacity of 1.1 million tons.

Actium informed the market of the shares buy-up through a note sent to Portugal’s capital markets and securities watchdog CMVM about the acquisition made between January 22 and 24. It purchased 1,100,000 shares or 0.54% and the respective voting rights in Altri, SGPS.

The pulps produced by Altri have several applications, namely the production of paper, highlighting the production of tissue and printing and writing papers, and dissolving pulp, which is used in the production of textiles, namely through rayon.

Currently, Altri has 3 mills, two of BEKP cellulose fibres (Celbi and Biotek) and another of DWP cellulosic fibres (Caima) that essentially produces for the textile market to replace synthetic fibres of fossil origin.

It produces approximately 1.2 million tons of cellulose pulp for the market.

The company is also a leader in the sector of forest based renewable energies and inject renewable electricity into the national electricity grid, avoiding approximately 174 thousand tons of CO 2 emissions (location based). About 93% of the energy sources for the manufacturing process are non-fossil.

Actium Capital is an independent lead single family office which manages the wealth of the Fernandes family. It focuses mainly on producing steel moulds.