Actium Capital has acquired a further 0.58% of Altri gaining 14.7% of its capital. Actium Capital, S.A., held by main shareholder and CEO Paulo Fernandes, has acquired 1,100,000 shares of Altri, [...]
The shares of Portuguese high street bank BCP exceeded the psychological barrier of 50 cents per share on Monday (20/1) for the first time since May 2016. The increase drove the value of BCP [...]
EDP and EDP Renováveis saw share values fall €937 million on Wednesday after Donald Trump’s severe criticisms over wind turbine energy. Donald Trump said he didn’t want new wind farms in the US [...]
BNP Paribas, which has the largest market trading platform operating in Portugal, believes there is increasing interest in the Portuguese market from overseas investors, both for bonds, [...]
The challenge of energising Portugal’s capital markets, attracting capital, and encouraging more companies to list on the stock market topped the agenda at Portugal’s 1st Capital Markets Day held [...]
The Spanish company Indumenta Pueri has strengthened its capital stake in the Portuguese postal services company CTT. Its stake has now gone from 10.04% to 15.02% according to information sent to [...]
Investors who hold securities, shares and bonds long term are to benefit from a tax exemption on a part of the capital gains that they make under a proposed government law. The government plans [...]
Small investors on the stock market are more numerous and expressive in Lisbon than in some other European capitals according to the president of Euronext Lisbon, Isabel Ucha in an interview with [...]
The Chairman of BCP says the bank is in a strong position after 5.6% of its capital was sold by its main shareholder, the Chinese company Fosun. Nuno Amado said the sale was “not worrying” and [...]
An annual study by Allianz GI – Dividend Study 2024 – puts Portugal in 5th place in its ranking for the best payouts on shares. Allianz Global Investors (GI) highlights Portugal as [...]