The Government is preparing to change the structure of the administration of Portugal’s development bank, Banco do Fomento, in November, according to Jornal Económico in a report today. The [...]
Banks in Portugal say they have tens of millions of euros to finance innovative company projects up and down the country through the InvestEU credit line but can’t because the projects have [...]
Portugal’s development bank, Banco Português de Fomento (BPF) and venture capital company Indico Capital Partners have announced a joint investment operation of €11.5 million in Oceano Fresco, a [...]
Portugal’s development bank Banco Português de Fomento has now signed all of the contracts regarding its Venture Capital programme according to online news source ECO citing an official source at [...]
Portugal’s development bank Banco de Fomento saw profits of €27.8 million last year, well above the €3 million for 2022. The bank’s development made a strong contribution to the bank’s product [...]
Directors at Portugal’s development bank, Banco de Fomento, have taken up non-salaried positions as executive directors at SOFID. SOFID is a Portuguese financial development institution whose [...]
Investments foreseen for the Banco Português de Fomento’s (BPF) Strategic Recapitalisation Programme have fallen 10% on what had been expected at the start of November. Several companies have [...]
The Portuguese venture capital company Lince Capital has slapped a lawsuit on Portugal’s State-owned development bank Banco de Fomento demanding over €1 million in damages. Online news source ECO [...]
Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union (EU), may try and remove the independence from Portugal’s development bank Banco de Fomento (BPF). The bank, which has had a leading role in [...]
The top brass at Portuguese development bank Banco de Fomento is to remodel the institution that is charged with disbursing EUNextGen/RRP funds in Portugal and injects money into promising [...]