BCP shares exceed 50 cents for first time in eight years

 In Banks, News, Stocks and Shares

The shares of Portuguese high street bank BCP exceeded the psychological barrier of 50 cents per share on Monday (20/1) for the first time since May 2016.

The increase drove the value of BCP stock by an extra €7.5Bn, strengthening the position of the bank led by Miguel Maya to one of the main listed entities listed on the Euronext Lisboa stock exchange.

Shares were trading on Monday up 0.80% to 50.26 cents while the bank’s performance on the stock market reflects its accumulated profitability of 7.6% since the start of the year, placing it in second position out of the PSI companies in terms of valuation in 2025.

Only Galp Energia, which enjoyed gains of 8.3% did better than BCP in this respect, showing the robustness of Portugal’s financial sector after years of restructuring, recapitalisation, the shedding of Non-Performing Loans, the increasing of financial margins and bolstering financial buffers over the past decade following the country’s banking crisis from 2008.